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Escuelas De Educación Especial - https://www.mpmundo.cl/ Nuestra Trayectoria Educativa se inicia en el año 1990 como jardín infantil “MI PEQUEÑO MUNDO DE SAN RAMON” . En el año 2002 se emerge a la comunidad como Escuela DE PÁRVULOS TRADICIONAL con prekinder y kinder. Luego en el año 2008 se inicia modalidad ESPECIAL DE LENGUAJE” para atender a niños y niñas con N.E.E. en el área del lenguaje específicamente TEL (Trastorno Especifico del Lenguaje) que requieren de una estimulación especializada tanto pedagógica como fonoaudiológica. En la actualidad , a partir del año 2024 comienza la modalidad ESPECIAL TEA, brindando de esta manera una educación de calidad en igualdad de oportunidades. [ Link Details for Escuelas De Educación Especial ] |
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Responsive Home Care - https://responsivehomecare.com At Responsive Home Care in Towson, MD we make it possible for seniors, injured or disabled individuals to experience independent living in the comfort of their own homes. Our non-medical in-home care providers offer a range of services designed to help our clients manage the challenges of day-to-day tasks and enjoy a comfortable quality of life. [ Link Details for Responsive Home Care ] |
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Shlok Realties - https://shlokgroup.co.in/ Shlok Riddhi is a high-end residential project that will elevate your status forever. The project has 4 and 2 BHK luxurious row-houses and flats to live in with utmost opulence. Located in Chikalthana, Opp. to Airport- the project allows you to reach all the major places within minutes. Flipping to the USPs, with the row-houses in the budget of flats, the modern amenities and the spacious structure, the project lets you relish a lifestyle full of luxury, modernity, and indulgence. To make this project one of the best real estate projects in Aurangabad is our real motto and vision. The Project Has budget-friendly row houses in the prime location of Aurangabad city. These row houses are located within a minute radius from Aurangabad’s Airport. Address: Shlok Realities, C/O Shlok Riddhi, Gut no 717/718, Near Choudhari Colony, Opp to Airport, Chikhalthana, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Maharashtra, 431007, India Phone : +91 8888885149 Business Email : [email protected] Website : https://shlokgroup.co.in/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Shlokrealities Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@shlokrealities4122 Linkedin : https://linkedin.com/in/navneet-bhartiya-a60b72231 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shlokrealities/ Working hours : Monday To Friday : 8am to 10pm [ Link Details for Shlok Realties ] |
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